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Visit Rutland Area Vermont
for Seniors

As resident Vermonters, we go to the Rutalnd Area for a "Weekend Getaway" every year.

We lived just outside of Rutand back in the 70's and watched the many changes that transpired in the area over the years.  

After many visits, the best attractions and things-to-do in the Rutland Area Vermont for Seniors are the many restaurants, the Paramount Theater, the Killington Ski Area, the Rutland Farmers Market, the Vermont State Fair, the Killington Golf Course, the Beautiful Fall Foliage, Hiking and Walking Trails and shopping.  

The Rutland Area along with Killington is one of our favorite travel destinations close to home. 

Rutland is the third largest city in Vermont behind Burlington and South Burlington.

It has a population of 15,800 and downtown Rutland is listed as a historic district in the National List of Historic Places.

It is nestled on the western edge of the beautiful and scenic Vermont Green Mountains.

Killington for seniors is a great place to visit any time of the year.

We like to book a "Weekend Get-Away" in the off-season free from the heavy population of skiers.

The Rutland Winterfest Just Announced!

Put on your coat, hat, and mittens, and mark your calendars for Rutland’s 2025 Winterfest,
February 14th - 22nd!

Rutland Winterfest Logo

What Is The Winterfest!

Rutland Winterfest has been a beloved community tradition for over two decades, growing from a four-hour event into a week-long celebration during winter break.

Popular events include the iconic Center Street Sledding, Snow Carving, the thrilling Great Bigfoot Chase, and cozy favorites like PJs at the Paramount and Human Foosball.

New this year are Fire and Ice Valentine’s Day-themed activities, featuring ice sculptures, pub crawls, restaurant packages, and a family friendly sock-hop dance.

Winterfest brings laughter, adventure, and community spirit together to celebrate Vermont’s winter magic.

Information Courtesy of the Rutland Winterfest.

Rutland Winterfest Ice SculptureRutland Winterfest Ice Sculpture
Courtesy of Rutland Winterfest

Here is A Complete List of Events

Here is A Complete List of Winterfest Events

Downtown Historic Rutland, VTDowntown Historic Rutland, VT

Rutland, Vt. for Seniors

Accommodations in the Rutland Area Vermont for Seniors

There are many hotels and motels near the heart of Rutland such as the Holiday Inn, the Comfort Inn, the Days Inn and the Hampton Inn.

Some of these are a part of a hotel chain with membership programs for reduced rates.

You can find many places to stay along Route 4 heading towards the Killington Ski area. Some have great deals especially in the off-season.

Restaurants in the Rutland Area Vermont for Seniors

There are quite a few restaurants in downtown Rutland.

Here are some choices:

Best Things to do in the Rutland Area Vermont for Seniors

1. The Paramount Theater 

Catch a show at the Paramount Theater in downtown Rutland, VT.

The Paramount hosts a variety of shows such as plays by the Metropolitan Opera, kid's shows from age 3 yrs. and up, comedians, plays by the Youth Theater, Ballet by various groups and music concerts. 

The Paramount Theater Sign in RutlandThe Paramount Theater Sign in Rutland
The Paramount Theater in RutlandThe Paramount Theater in Rutland
Inside the Paramount Theater in Downtown RutlandInside the Paramount Theater in Downtown Rutland

2. The Rutland Summer Farmers Market

The Rutland Summer Farmers Market is located in Depot Park in downtown Rutland and a great place for seniors to spend a few hours shopping at a variety of vendors.

It is open every May through October from 9 am to 2 pm on Saturdays and from 1 pm to 5 pm on Wednesdays.

You can find fresh agricultural products, alcohol, animal products, crafts, dairy, flowers & plants, health & beauty, maple syrup, prepared foods, and produce. 

We always put the Farmers Market on our "to-do-list" when we are visiting the area.

The Rutland Winter Farmers Market is located in the Vermont Farmer’s Food Center, 251 West Street, Rutland.

It is open from November through April on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2 pm.

Rutland Summer Farmers MarketRutland Summer Farmers Market

3. The Vermont State Fair

The Vermont State Fair in Rutland, VT. has been operating since 1846 which makes it one of the oldest fairs in the country!

The land at 175 South Main Street in Rutland was originally known as the Rutland County Park but is now it's permanent home.

The fair, which was officially renamed in 1972 as the "Vermont State Fair" is still held at this location today.

The Fair is usually a Summer event during the last days of August each year.

Rutland State FairRutland State Fair

4. Vermont Fall Foliage

One of the most popular things to do for seniors in the Rutland area is to observe the brilliant colors of the Fall Foliage.

A casual ride through the mountains of Vermont is the "mode of choice" to see this beautiful landscape.

Vermont is well known for it's beautiful Fall Foliage and a popular time of year for seniors to visit our warm and welcoming state.

The hills are bursting with brilliant reds, oranges and yellows as the maple trees and other varieties turn color due to the sunny days and cold nights.

Mount Elmore Vermont in the FallMount Elmore Vermont in the Fall
Mount Elmore Vermont on a Sunny Day in the FallMount Elmore Vermont on a Sunny Day in the Fall
Wolcott, Vt. Fall FoliageWolcott, Vt. Fall Foliage

Killington, Vt. for Seniors 

Killington town sits right in the heart of the Green Mountains of Vermont and our "Place to Stay" when we visit the Rutland Area. It is a short and scenic drive from downtown Rutland.

Killington Along Vt Route 4Killington Along Vt Route 4


If you go in the off-season it is more attractive for us seniors without the hustle and bustle of the very busy ski season.

We like to book a condo up on Killington Mountain near the slopes. You can get great deals in the off-season through Airbnb or VRBO.

Killington Condo VillageKillington Condo Village

Restaurants in Killington

There are an abundance of restaurants along Killington Road leading up to the ski area and the little condo villages.

Here is a screenshot of a Google map showing all of the restaurants along Killington Rd. As you can see there are many.

A few close in the off-season but most are open.

Google Maps - Killington Rd. RestaurantsGoogle Maps - Killington Rd. Restaurants

Here are few restaurants near the ski area:

Best Things to do in Killington for Seniors

1. Killington Ski Area

Killington Ski Area:

Of course if you have it in you, Killington is most known for it's ski area of 155 trails including more expert terrain than any other mountain in Vermont, with 60 trails and 16 glades.

Intermediate skiers have 53 trails and beginning skiers have 43 trails to choose from.

You may want to take advantage of the complimentary "Meet the Mountains Tours" hosted by Killington Resort.

It is a 75 to 90 minute tour on the slopes for the experienced novice and higher ability levels.

Killington Mountain VermontKillington Mountain
Killington Ski Area SlopesKillington Ski Area Slopes

Spring Skiing on Killington Mountain

Killington Ski Area managed to stay open for the last weekend of the ski season on June 4, 2022.

A new record for the longest ski season for Killington Ski Area!

Killington Ski Slope Spring 2022Killington Ski Slope in Spring - June 4, 2022
Killington Ski Slope Spring 2022Killington Ski Slope Spring 2022

2. Killington Golf Course

Killington Golf Course:

A favorite of Seniors is golfing and there is a beautiful course on Killington mountain.

It is usually open from the end of May to the middle of October.

The course was designed by Geoffrey Cornish with it's unique mountain terrain.

The 2000 ft. elevation with streams and beautiful vistas set the scene for this 6,186-yard, par 72 Championship Golf Course.

The course includes a practice facility with a 12,000 square-foot putting green and practice bunker.

There is a full-size retail pro shop with all the essentials, on-course beverage cart, caddy shack with food and beverage offerings, as well as the Clubhouse Bar and Grill with indoor and outdoor seating.

Killington, VT Golf CourseKillington, VT Golf Course

3. The Killington Bike Park

The Killington Bike Park:

For those very active seniors there is the Killington Bike Park.

The park feature over 30 miles in mountain bike trails with three high speed lifts for access. 

The trails are enjoyed by the beginner as well as the expert biker with the New England singletrack to the Gravity Logic's signature trails. 

The Killington Bike Park has trails suitable for everyone.

  1. The Snowshed is home to the beginner trails along with intermediate trails as the beginner "gets the hang of it" and progresses.
  2. The Ramshead is home to the signature freeride traisl with intermediate and advanced terrain
  3. The Killington Peak offers classic New England terrain featuring lots of rocks and roots; obstacles to get the "old ticker" in high gear!

The Killington Bike Park offers Lessons for every ability.

  1. Learn to Mountain Bike Package - includes all the equipment you need and provides instruction on all the basics for first-time beginners from bike handling to reading the terrain. The lesson starts out on a skills track to get participants comfortable on the bikes before heading up the Snowshed Express Quad for some trail experience. Purchase in advance online to book your lesson package and save up to 25% on learning to downhill.
  2. Group Lessons - Taught by a team of instructors teaching new skills to take you to the next level. After a lesson with the pros you'll be ready to send yourself confidently down the trail. Group lessons are intended for intermediate and advanced level riders
  3. Private Lessons - Progress to the next level with a private lesson taught by Killington instructors. Level up with a private lesson taught by the talented instructors. You can even invite your friends or family to join in on the lesson too!
Killington Bike Park Trail MapKillington Bike Park Trail Map

Restaurants in the Rutland/Killington Area We Have Visited

Our absolute favorite is the Castle Hill Restaurant in Cavendish, Vt. which is a "Fine Dining" restaurant and a must visit for a special occasion.

It is situated in, just as it's name, a beautiful old castle.

A little bit of a drive from the area but a very scenic one and well worth the trip.

The atmosphere is stunning with a real "Old World" feeling.

The woodwork is incredibly intricate and well preserved. You will feel like a "King & Queen" when dining here!

Castle Hill Inn VermontCastle Hill Restaurant & Inn
Castle Hill Restaurant Dining RoomCastle Hill Restaurant Dining Room
Castle Hill Restaurant Dining RoomCastle Hill Restaurant Dining Room

Little Harry's Restaurant in downtown Rutland has a diverse menu with exceptional choices. We had delicious dinners here.

The dining room has a quaint and warm cafe atmosphere with a choice of tables or booths.

The booths have an intimate and private feel to them.

Little Harry's Restaurant in Downtown RutlandLittle Harry's Restaurant in Downtown Rutland
Little Harry's Restaurant Dining RoomLittle Harry's Restaurant Dining Room

Red Clover Restaurant in Mendon, Vt. is located off Route 4 between Rutland City and Killington.

The restaurant is located within the Inn.

The dining room is "white tablecloth" fine dining.

We have visited several times and always had excellent service and meals.

Unfortunately, the establishment is currently for sale and only taking room reservations at the Inn with the restaurant closed.

We are hoping the establishment sells quickly and the restaurant re-opens.

Red Clover Inn VermontRed Clover Inn & Restaurant
Red Clover Inn Dining RoomRed Clover Dining Room

How to Get Here

  • Plane
    Rutland Regional Airport located 7 miles from downtown Rutland and 20 miles from Killington. The main carrier is Cape Air which connects with Jet Blue hubs with daily flights to Boston.
  • Train
    The Rutland Amtrack Station is located at 
    25 Evelyn Street,
    Rutland right in downtown Rutland. Public transportation and jitney service is available to Killington. Amtrak provides daily service from Manhattan with stops at major cities between Rutland and New York City.
  • Bus
    The Rutland station is the "Marble Valley Region Transit Center" located at 
    102 West St., Rutland. It is a bus stop only with a "Waiting Room". You can book bus trips to here through any major bus companies such as Greyhound.

  • Automobile
    Boston, MA - 3 hours
    New York, NY - 4 1/4 hours
    Albany, NY - 2 hours
    Buffalo, NY - 6 hours
    Harford, CT - 2 3/4 hours
    Manchester, NH - 2 1/4 hours
    Philadelphia, PA - 5 1/4 hours
    Springfield, MA - 2 1/2 hours
    Syracuse, NY - 3 3/4 hours
    Montreal, QC - 3 hours
    Toronto, ON - 7 1/4 hours

  • Shuttles, Taxis & Transportation Services
    There various shuttles, taxis and transportation services to use from the airport or bus station to your accommodations in Rutland or Killington.

If you have a chance to visit the Rutland/Killington area in Vermont we're sure you won't be disappointed! 

There are many outdoor activities during the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter such as hiking/walking, biking, camping, swimming in the nearby waters, skiing, snowshoeing and more. 

If you are into hiking or trail walking, the Vermont State Parks website has a list of trails describing each trail with the "Trail Name", "Mileage", "Loop or One Way", "Difficulty" (Easy, Moderate, Difficult), "Hiking Time", "Description" and "Kid-Friendly".

You can see the website here.

There are a lot of accommodations available, restaurants to explore and many things to do for Seniors in the Rutland Area of Vermont.

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